Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Final Project A1

This is my final project for the freehand 2 summer course this semester. We had to arrange another still life and draw it on an A1 board. I used pencil and different graphite sticks to do this piece. 

Monday, 4 June 2012

Piece 6 Still life [Collage on A3 paper]

For this piece we had to take pictures of the still life on the the table and create a collage on an A3 sheet of paper. I created the collage, photocopied it, although the colors appeared slightly different. I drew a grid on the photocopied picture so it would be easier to draw the collage, square by square. Ive started shading but I need to add more contrast. Maybe make the cloths darker than the statue and the chair, and the tape. I will work on that. 

Piece 5 Still life [Connecting 3 pieces into 1]

For this piece we had to cut the still life objects on the table into 3 parts : the left, the middle, and the right. I started with the left side and finished with the right side, I feel like Im way better at drawing the cloths now, and I know how to shade the areas that are folds more effectively. I feel that the one on the left is a little darker than the other ones and I didnt really like that much. However i loved the last 2 pieces. After we did the critique I was told that I needed to get the proportions better in the second piece. And I agree. But overall I was happy with my work because I never drew like this before. I never had any drawing expierience so all of this is new to me. In freehand 1, it was not as challenging as freehand 2 is, so im bound to make some small mistakes. But Im slowly becoming better at drawing and more confident. 

Piece 4 Still life

For my forth piece I decided it was time to start some serious shading. I attempted to shade the cloth as well. There was a lot of cloth in that area, in between the objects, behind the objects and in front of the objects. It was quite challenging, However,my favorite thing in this piece is the tape, and what it is actually on, To me I did a good job in shading appropriately on these 2 areas. 

Piece 3 Still life

For my third piece I started to do some shading, once again with pencil only. I tried different techniques of sketching such as crosshatching (for example the tape), and only horizontal lines (for example the measuring cup). Also, for the cloth I feel that i started to get a hang of drawing what i see in a better manner even though i did not shade it. 

Piece 2 Stil life

For my second piece I also used pencil but this time I used one of my pencils that were in the B range, so the pencil lines appear way darker than the first piece. Once again I did not attempt to do any shading. I was practicing how to draw cloth. I found it challenging at first but in my later drawings i started to understand how i can create the effect of folds. This piece shows a can with paintbrushes, a light blub, a silver tray, a battery of some sort, and a cloth between these objects. 

Piece 1 Still life

For my first piece i just basically sketched what I saw in front of me, with only a pencil. What I drew here is a shinny silver tray, and some red and white tape. I did not do any shading for this piece yet.